
Hi my name is tanya meyer my interests are children, youth and adults which i work with on a daily bases.My personal goal is to work for tanker sevice or caltex as a truck driver.

Theres always a but im to busy with everybody else that my life goes in other directions.Im a qualified security officer slash social worker.I do events as well which takes me to various places and even stered my life into the film industry.Just last week i was being intervied by CTV and yesterday i was being used as a extra in a movie.Crimson Tide/The Curse Of Hendon If u watched pitch perfect, fat amy stars in this movie and penelope cruis.Today im learning to work a computer and iv got an womens day event to run in aid of raising funds for my kids club.

At this moment im blessed in many ways because of god to everybody out there knowledge is power and everything is possible with god luv Tanya.


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