My Introduction to Blogging!

There was a time, not too long ago, when I thought that my life was over ... at the age of 57 ...! I can imagine if you are in your 20's, or even in your 40's, you'll say, "But it is!". In actual fact it isn't, but the realization only hit me a few months ago ... all because I ventured into the virtual world of the internet and joined Facebook! And suddenly a whole new world opened up for me.

I have always been an ardent ASPIRANT writer. But, of course, one can only be an aspirant-anything for so long. LOL! And I've been one for waaaaay too long. In my last marriage (I experienced more than one "failed" marriage), I actually had the good fortune to apply my love for writing, to my husband's work. And, "No! I did not get paid for it".


Anyway, As a mother of 4 children, and grand-mother of 4 as well, I decided its finally time to start writing for myself. And for you, of course. In fact, I decided its time to start doing a lot of things which I either never had the time, or the funds for ... or both! It's hectic raising children mostly on your own, not to mention costly, as some of you may know.

Now that I took the leap, or headed towards the leap at least ... I had to decide on a focus. As a woman firstly, and as one who struggled with many issues in life, I was always passionate about women's issues. Not recipes, not sewing patterns - coz I'm not very good at those. It is more beating the emotional pitfall of life that interests me.

To write a book is a lengthy and costly procedure. How do I know? Because I helped my husband prepare and publish HIS books. I heard so much about blogging and following blog posts that I thought "What about blogging?" So this is where I am now. On the verge of revealing my true self ... as a BLOGGER!

I believe that God (or providence for some) always takes over once you take a direction in life and this is where RLabs comes in. It is RLabs that helped to give me a 'blog-voice' and that will hopefully connect me to many women of similar mind. So hats off to Rlabs!

Each of us has a unique set of challenges that comes our way. One of the things I can share, is my experience in a polygamous marriage. So watch this post if you'd like to share some insights to help us navigate the quirks and curve-balls life throws at us. Hopefully you'll find - like me - that there is ALWAYS a silver lining around every cloud!


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