Spring is in the Air.

The seasons are changing and we experiencing different weather conditions,after all the cold and wet weather it is great to enjoy the wonderful hot sunshine day today! So Spring is in the Air Ladies. Life is Good ,we so fortunate to have  been attending the Moms 0.70 course for the pass thee weeks at R lab,which are very exciting,empowering @ enlightening!  It has been a good learning experience ,with all the joy and happiness that make  Life a bit more interesting. The ladies are all enjoying to learn more about  social media and its great fun@ lots of laughter..... Immediately everyone's mood has been lifted and are more relaxed,at ease and happy, since the sun is out @  having fun with the computer!
 So exciting to learn new things...Blogging.....oh my word Life is Great.

 The facilitators Wendy and Edwina has been a great inspiration to all the ladies! There kindness and patience is remarkable..........  Thank you ladies and r labs.I hope you Sunshine stays with us!!!   I am  now connected to the future.....social media.

It is amazing what a early morning cup of coffee does to the brain.....especially on a Saturday morning when you have to get up early to come for classes!!!!!

Thank you to R Labs for the lovely treats which  is so Great.
May you be Blessed!


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