Never giving up

My name is Faheema, I find myself single after 30 years of marriage. Its been a long and very interesting road of self discovery. I must admit I have good days and bad, I would not change it for the world. I learn new things about myself everyday. My life before, was all about everyone else, now it is all about me. It sounds selfish but how else will I find what my strengths and weaknesses are, I find that when I am happy, everyone else around me are too.

My topic I choose to talk about is never giving up. I have been on my own for the first time in my life, it is a constant challenge. I am always looking for positive ways to improve myself. What I have discovered is that if your inner world is at peace everything falls into place. By inner world I mean learn to love myself, forgive myself and most importantly be grateful for each and every moment I am alive.

It is an amazing feeling finding out that things that was important to me before, like material things and negative people, today it is of no consequence to my inner peace. I have filled my life with positive thoughts and positive people, I believe that what I think I will attract into my life. It also helps to spend time in nature, it brings me in conscious awareness of my Creator.

I am excited and full of self assurance that at the age of 52 the best is yet to come. Finally after believing all my life that I am not worthy, I know for sure that I can do this, I deserve the very best in life, I love who I am and that I am beyond blessed.

 Giving up is not even an option, I love life.


Melanie Ross said…
Ive learnt that life is what we make of it . We cannot allow other people to deermine our happiness .
Im so glad that you are at this point in your life . From here on things can only get better ..
shariefa said…
Yes its very sad that we always consider others, how they feel, what makes them happy. I've also realized that we can't base our happiness on others. We need to be important to ourselves. Our creator has create us to always be there for others but we need to make a point that we are important first and then everyone else.
May the Almighty bless as all to be there for each other even if we play a small part. May we always be under the protection and safekeeping of our Creator

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