I would consider myself a generous person the reason why is because i always intend to give with an open heart especially when the person is in need those that come from broken homes or any child that is growing up in a broken home.

Being generous doesn't mean always giving but just to show that you love the person and care for that person means a lot. where i grew up things was really hectic and to see (especially) a young person  not knowing whats going on in life for anybody to show them i'm always there, you see in life you have choice , choices that you will make one day its all up to the person you would want to be one day.

So God gave me this gift always loving, always helping and always caring its sad to see what people make of their lives especially younger generation nowadays its the adults that's doing the same thing the younger generation is doing ADULTS should be teaching the younger ones about life not joining them, that is why we need more generous people that doesn't just think of themselves but to help and give advice the next person too.
GOD put us on this earth for a reason and a purpose what you do with it its your decision we cannot make you do what you don't want to do all we can do is give advice if you fall and fail just get up and start again that's how we all learn from our mistakes. 

Me being generous its because of my life and the choices i made and what i went through from being a baby to being a young adult and a beautiful young lady only through the grace of MY GOD.  



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