Hair Fairy

I met a lovely lady,named Sonya today at Start up Moms.Wow she was so passion about hair,Never new that I could learn so must about hair .

First let me give a little background history of this beautiful and vibrate lady.She stays in Athlone most of her life .She has two beautiful girls age 17 and 9 years old.She works at a hairdresser in Thorntorn Road.She loves reading ,walking and listen to music.What keeps her motivated is her girls

She has her own clientele and sometimes she mentioned that clients just comes in to chat. She needs a change and want to relocate.Her ideal place is the west coast Langebaan ,The reason for the change is Athlone has become to fast and dangerous and she needs to think about her girls future.

She heard about Rlabs from a friend and is  busy with the second semester, Amazing .Her trip down memory lane was rocky but since she started with Rlabs she has grown alot.She all ready send her CV to the west coast.Her future goals is to be a lecturer in hairdressing.

From the looks of it she will be a good lecturer,because I pick up few tips from this amazing hairdresser.Your can just look at her hair and you will see who I am talking about.



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