You smiled at me. I needed that smile. It changed my day. Even though I could feel the pain.
I chose not to focus on it, but instead to focus on smiling.

When you smile, even at yourself in the mirror, you can change the way your day is going.
Your brain does not know the difference between a forced smile and a smile that comes from
the heart. If you manage to keep your smile long enough, your brain will register that you are
happy and you will start producing good hormones that will lift your spirits.

Laughter is also an excellent medicine for promoting good health. If you have nothing to laugh at,
laugh at yourself; laugh at your situation. Easier said than done? Yes, but it will produce the desired

I think that, in my ignorance, my ability to laugh, has been my saving grace. I love laughing. I seek out
comedy shows in order to laugh when I feel down. I say something funny in order to lighten the
atmosphere around me. 

In its essence...happiness should become YOUR CHOICE. You can choose whether the mood will
rule or whether you rule the mood. 

Once you take charge of your life in this way, you can affect others’ lives because a
SMILE IS CONTAGIOUS and can be transferred exponentially. 


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