What is a Healthy Lifestyle?

This is Amina Smith.  It is good for us to have interests and interests are activities that we enjoy doing or being part of.

My interests are many and on top of the list is living a Healthy Lifestyle, also interacting with people, effective communication, walking in the great outdoors, swimming, floral arranging, learning new things, baking, theatre, travel.


A Healthy Lifestyle for me is like the Umbrella
If we do not feel good, it becomes an effort to partake in interests or activities

A Healthy Lifestyle is a holistic approach, that means what we eat, when and how we eat (the body needs fuel), our physical activities - the body thrives on being worked, for example, the heart performs better when we exercise. The benefits are many, that is toned muscles, improved skin, stress relief, etc..  Also, we need to set aside time for relaxation and make sure that we have good sleep.

I have gained so much by living Healthily - am on no chronic medication, have reduced from dress size 38 to size 34, am toned and feel great, and lost 20kg

I want all this for YOU and can share more with you in a consultation or workshop


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